EURICCA partners starts new european partnership for innovation & exchange of good practices: the Erasmus+ CCLEPproject

The live entertainment industry suffers from the lack of a systematic approach to the recognition of professionals and their training. The recognition of the figures is fragmented, and often the training courses are based on obsolete models.

In this context and in accordance with the objectives of the ELMA Initiative (European Live Music Association) in which Assomusica (IT) and MESO Events (GR) are activelly involved, another alliance including another EURICCA partner, the European Centre for Leadership and Entrepreneurship Education (FR), as well as the Emilia Romagna Region (IT), Epralima (PT) & Plasa (UK) created a consotrtium that has been granted an ERASMUS+ Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices projectthe CCLEP (Certified Competences For Live Events Professionals).

CCLEP AIM: To promote the official recognition and validation of qualifications, skills and competences of innovative professions of the live music events industry by developing a replicable advocacy methodology to support recognition processes at the regional/national or EU levels.

· Strengthen cooperation and networking between partner organizations
· Facilitate the recognition and validation of qualifications, skills and competences of the professions of rigger, scaffolder, live music events producer
· Encourage cooperation between public, private and VET bodies
· Strengthen partners’ advocacy ability and training offers.

· 16 trainers
· 200 stakeholders (VET providers, policy-makers and representatives of the Live Music Events Sector)
· 250 people – general public
· 3.000 organizations, SMEs, associations of the Live Music Events Sector
· 1.000 bodies and single professionals active in the VET sector
· 500 officials working in public bodies
· 5.000 professionals already working as rigger, scaffolder, live music events

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
More information at the CCLEP portal