
Several organizations are involved in the development of the EURICCA Initiative, including Governmental Stakeholders, Public and Private institutional Organizations, Non-Profit and Non-governmental Organizations as well as physical stakeholders.

Music Sector will be the first Cluster to be developed and with the “European Music Cluster Project”, EURICCA will start the mapping of local and national clusters, including directly and indirectly related professions:

1. Music industries and its correlated sectors (recorded music -physical and digital products-, instrument makers, Live &     Festivals, Publishing, Merchandising)
2. Vocational & educational Training sector (formal and non-formal)
3. The Classic Sector (Orchestras,  Choirs…)
4. Venues, Concert halls, Music Centers, live bars & associations.
5. Media & ICT

First member organization are formatting the Cluster model and the basis of the European Music Cluster Project with the support of the Cultural Direction of the City of Lausanne, the Music Council of Wallonie-Bruxelles, the European Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurship Education, the Lifelong Learning Research Institute, the European Center for Women and Technology, the European Music Day Association, the Intercultural Euro-Mediterranean Center for UNESCO, the Centro Arte & Musica, the Music Instruments Association of Hungary, the Sound-Quest Fair, the Music2Deal Platform, the Non-Profit Organization MESO Music Events, Non Governmental Organization Creative Commons, Osservatorio Roma, Sheridan Music Consultancy, Eolas Consultancy and the Virtual Cluster Initiative.

This collaborative effort, will allow the gathering of substantial information consisting of point of views, suggestions and best practices from (amongst others) artists, formal and non-formal music teachers, conservatories, Music schools, publishers, Music entrepreneurs, journalists, musicologists, sound engineering colleges, radio stations, live venues, concert halls… (Music Cluster Project abstract can be found at the European Music Day Association).

Music Cluster