Network for the Internationalization of Music Producers in Europe (NIMPE)

The European Research and Innovation Agency for Cultural Clusters has made a partnership with a newly funded EU project from the Creative Europe Programme (2014 -2020) called NIMPE, the Network for the Internationalisation of Music Producers in Europe. Coordinator: Assomusica Associazione (IT) Partners: Den Selvejende Institution Swinging Europe (DK), Društvo Študentski kulturni center (SI), M.E.S.O. Music Events (GR), Root Music LTD (UK), Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille (FR) NIMPE is a project that aims at supporting the internationalisation of live music and events enterprises (especially young and newly started enterprises) within Europe, trying to overcome the difficulties encountered by the sectors operators and suggesting competitive models to be tested and assessed and then shared amongst…