Global Initiative for Cultural & Social Cohesion: meetings report overview, Athens 21-24th of June 2018

The Global (or) Glocal Collaboration Initiative Project Report from the 1st meetings and activities held in Athens from the 21st till the 24th of June 2018, during the 19th European Music Day events. Original Publication from EURICCA MEMBER MESO EVENTS Few months after the successful organisation of a cross-connected series of events between different projects &  networks, MESO Events is very happy to present a summary of this first collaboration which included the co-production of several live music events, 3 seminars / webinars, 2 international round tables, 1 Open discussion, 3 Working Sessions and 1 Preparatory meeting  (see Events at the end of the page). For this first successful attempt that made possible from the common efforts of the…

MESO Events starts large scale Creative Europe Project: The European Music Market Accelerator (EMMA)

MESO Events starts new project with the European Music Market Accelerator (EMMA) network, a consortium created during the year 2017 at the initiative of MaMA event. For the past 9 years, MaMA has been organising conferences and debates, allowing music industry professionals to meet and share, notably concerning the increase of globalised problematic that arise since the start of the market’s mutation. Looking at issues with an international perspective allow us to see, for instance, how countries manage to solve them and share their knowledge with other region, which ensure an exchange of perception of the market that makes us stronger. With that strength, MaMA feels it is time to take…


MUSAFIR*(ηδες) /مسافرین آمدند / جاء المسافر – Events for the integration and the coexistence *Musafir: traveller /المسافرین – Μουσαφίρης (greek – mousafiris): guest/ الضیوف EURICCA partner MESO Events (Greece) presents a series of artistic events and performances aiming at bringing together Greek and refugee populations in an experiment of coexistence and cooperation. Starting with culture and art, a vehicle for meeting people of different origins and cultures, a privileged place for exchanging emotions, experiences and memory, the second edition of MUSAFIR(ηδες) seek ways and actions to build bonds and relationships between people. We focus on the need for association and integration, but also on the way in which refugees, by joining…

Common Policy for European Music Sector, Discussion Initiative at the European Commission from S&D

On May 22, The European Commission published the new Agenda for Culture: the Creative Europe Programme will start for the period 2021-2027 in a post-Brexit Union. Despite many important changes, much still has to be achieved. Several questions related to the music sector remain open and with the members of ELMA network, EURICCA aims to bring them to the attention of European Parliament. In this context and following the vote of the European Parliament in favor of Music Moves Europe and stepping on the European Music Day events across Europe (Fête Européenne de la Musique) and the 150th Anniversary of Gioacchino Rossini, a debate on the need to develop sustainable and innovative European Policies for Music Sector was organized by Silvia Costa,…

ELMA partners attend the EU Operators’ Forum thematic meeting on mass events/entertainment on 18 June 2018 in Brussels

Recent terrorist attacks have focused on a variety of public places, including shopping malls, concert halls, sports arena, pedestrian areas and transport hubs. These attacks used different attack modes ranging from the traditional firearm and explosive attacks to improvised stabbing and vehicle ramming. The European Commission has stepped up its support to Member States to address these threats and to enhance protection of public spaces. In this context the EU Action Plan to support the protection of public spaces was adopted on 18 October 2017. As part of this Action Plan, the European Commission has set up an Operators’ Forum to support the protection of public spaces. This Forum brings…

«ΣymansiS Resilience Project Lab» in collaboration with the University of Highlands & Islands and the Global Challenge Research Fund Project

Meeting of the partners of the «ΣymansiS Resilience Project» and production of the first lab. CCI Initiative for Youth: Collaboration in a Challenging World Σymansis Lab for teenagers 16 – 24 Children Support Centre of Eleusis Date: Saturday 23rd of June Duration: 4.30 hours Language: English – Greek A project organized by NPO MESO Events in collaboration with the University of Highlands & Islands, the Global Challenge Research Fund Project, the European Research Agency For Cultural Clusters (EURICCA), the Hellenic network of the European Music Day, the Children Support Centre of Eleusis and Eleusis2021 organization. The aim of this laboratory is to bring together a collaborative interdisciplinary team from Humanities Arts and Culture Cluster and Society, Identity, Landscape, and Knowledge…

Collaboration with the University of Highlands & Islands on Resilience & Official Development Assistance project

Culture and Heritage, Language, Education and Creativity Developing a University of Highlands & Islands (UHI) Cultural Resilience Team in partnerhsip with Greek, Turkish and Senegalese partners The aim of this proposal is to bring together a collaborative interdisciplinary team from Humanities Arts and Culture Cluster and Society, Identity, Landscape, and Knowledge Cluster to support analysis of, and action in, resilience factors in the lives of young people and communities in the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Framework categories. The University of the Highlands and Islands has experience in working with dispersed communities and young people who face challenges in isolation and access to enriching experiences available in more urban and affluent environments. Staff…

ELMA and European Music sector Representatives address President Juncker to support Music Sector

On 14th February 2018 and after two years of collaboration with the European Commission,  EU Culture Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, announced that Parliament had approved preparatory measures for the pilot Music Programme project called “Music Moves Europe” Music Moves Europe which was supported by the 30 European associations and Organizations that attended the meeting, will be allocated a budget of 1.5 million Euro to begin the preparatory phases for a specific law on music, similarly to the process undertaken for the audio-visual law. Our partner ELMA and the 29 other organisations representing the European music sector welcomed this pilot programme for music in Europe and addressed Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, to support a full European Music Programme in EU future budget. Read the European Music Sector Representatives letter here.…

EURICCA partners starts new european partnership for innovation & exchange of good practices: the Erasmus+ CCLEPproject

The live entertainment industry suffers from the lack of a systematic approach to the recognition of professionals and their training. The recognition of the figures is fragmented, and often the training courses are based on obsolete models. In this context and in accordance with the objectives of the ELMA Initiative (European Live Music Association) in which Assomusica (IT) and MESO Events (GR) are activelly involved, another alliance including another EURICCA partner, the European Centre for Leadership and Entrepreneurship Education (FR), as well as the Emilia Romagna Region (IT), Epralima (PT) & Plasa (UK) created a consotrtium that has been granted an ERASMUS+ Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices project: the CCLEP (Certified Competences For Live Events Professionals). CCLEP AIM: To promote the official recognition and validation of qualifications,…

Participation at the Greek Leader Programme conference: “Investing in Development & Innovation in Rural Areas”

The ELIKONAS – PARNASSOS DEVELOPMENT SA company and local authorities of Viotia Region organised the informative conference titled:”Investing in Development & Innovation in Rural Areas. Held on Saturday, December 9, 2017, at the “Christos Palaiologos” Conference Center of Livadia, the conference aimed at presenting the axis of the new Local Development Program CLLD LEADER “. LEADER Initiative (Liaisons Entre Actions de Developement de l ‘Economie Rurale – links between actions for the development of the rural economy) in Greece, which was the beginning of a new approach to rural development policy. Through LEADER, integrated and multidisciplinary development was built, while local communities were given the opportunity to design and choose their…