“Cultural and Creative Industries: When Art meets Entrepreneurship”

Representing ASBL EURICCA and NPO MESO Events, Georges Perot will attend the 5th  conference on Europe, Entepreneurship and Sustainable Development of the House of Europe in Rhodes, as a keynote speaker on CCI importance in correlation with Tourism and sustainable development.

The three-day events are co-organized by the House of Europe in Rhodes and Rhodes’ Municipal Cultural Organization of Culture-Sports, will be held in Rhodes, 15-17 March 2017, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dodecanese and the Museum of Modern Greek Art of Rhodes.

The 5th conference for Europe, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development takes place in the context of the commitment of the House of Europe’s actions to the 17 UN Global Objectives and at the same time is an official event of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for the Development of the World Tourism Organization 2017

Programme panels:

– March 15: Europe: Challenges and Opportunities with lectures by Sotiris Ntalis, “Europe in a complex and changing world: Deeper integration as an answer to the challenges of our time”, Panagiotis Kimourtzis “The dilemmas of Germany and their impact in Europe”, Panagiota Manoli “More or Less Europe? The White Book for the Future of European Integration”.

– March 16: “Entrepreneurship: Discoverning new practices”. Lectures by George Kazantzopoulos, “FromPlato to the Program Action of the European Union on Circular Economy” and Georges Perot “Cultural and Creative Industries: When Art meets Entrepreneurship”.

– March 17: “The Quest of the road to new new models of touristic development”. Open discussion on the future development of the local tourism industry. Presentations on sports, cultural, academic and gastronomic tourism among others.

Entrance is free to all events. The lectures and discussion will be contacted in Greek.